The Ward Family

The Ward Family

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My One Year Old

Well, the day is here. Blake is one, and I can't believe it. I thought I would write Blake a letter on each birthday to read when he is older. So, here it goes...

Dear Blake (or Biz, Bizzy Boy, or B-Dub as Daddy likes to call you),

I can't believe you are one today. When I take a moment to reflect on the last year, it brings so many emotions.
I think about the day we brought you home from the hospital, you were so tiny in your car seat, I was sure we were doing it wrong or had bought the wrong size. I was so worried we were already making a mistake. Now I realize worry is an emotion that I will feel the rest of my life, because I never want anything to happen to you.
However, sheer happiness is the feeling I have every time I look at you. You make me smile constantly. You are such a happy boy, and so much fun to be around. Seeing the world through your eyes is both fun and invigorating. You are constantly drawn to investigate your surroundings, and are always delighted with whatever you find (wires, crumbs on the floor, mommy's earrings). You have shown me this year that we really don't need anything to have fun and smile. Those moments occur each and everyday at our house now. Usually, just while playing together as a family on the floor.
Finally, love is really the emotion that I feel when I think of you. You are the perfect blend of mommy and daddy, and we love everything about you. But more importantly, just by being you, you have taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. You have made me a better, more loving person... Thank you.

At one year, I feel you have already shown us so much of your personality. But we are so eager to learn more about who you are and who you will become (this is the really cool part of parenting).
Over the last year, you have shown us that you are definitely a thinker. You seem to analyze what's going on first and plan your action, before you leap into it. Even early on, you were not willing to give up smiles to strangers really made them work for it. But each new skill you have acquired seems to just suddenly appear. There is no trial and error period. It seems as if you have been taking notes for awhile, thinking about it, planning, and then you just decide to do it. So, I guess what I'm saying is you maybe a "planner"...genetics are to blame for that my son. You come from a long line of planners.
Your most overwhelming attribute at this point though has to be your desire to have fun and laugh. You want to play continuously and you laugh hysterically when you are having a good time. Your laugh makes anyone around you want to join in the fun. You are the clear favorite at daycare, and your teachers always tell me you are the happiest boy. You have an undeniable spirit, and seem to be growing into "the life of the party"... We will be reigning in this spirit though come high school buddy.

Thank you for an amazing year Blake. You make everyday better.


12 Months

Blake has made a few more advances over the last month:
  • Now he has 5 teeth (2 on top, 3 on bottom)
  • He points at everything he wants
  • He can climb up nearly every piece of furniture we have
  • He can take about 2 steps without holding onto anything before falling over
  • He can put blocks into the correct shaped holes, and correctly stack his nesting cups

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Party Time!

We had a pool party and BBQ for Blake's first birthday over Memorial Day weekend, and we had a blast. We were lucky enough to have most of our family able to attend (but we did miss the Meyer family) and a few friends.
We enjoyed burgers, hot dogs, and a few cold beers. As well as a refreshing dip in the pool with the birthday boy. Then we capped off the afternoon with a mini birthday cake for Blake and yummy cupcakes for the rest of us.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Real shoes!!!

Blake went and got his first pair of "big boy" shoes at Nordstrom. He thought the whole experience was really fun, especially since they gave him a stuffed animal.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Unfortunately, I had to work a bit Mother's Day weekend. But my boys still treated me to a beautiful picnic by the beach Sunday afternoon. We had cheese and crackers and enjoyed the wonderful view.
Thank You to my loving husband for making me a mommy. And Thank You to my perfect son for filling my heart with more love than I ever thought possible. 

My first hand made Mother's Day gift!