The Ward Family

The Ward Family

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Blake

Happy Birthday big boy! We love you!
Mommy and Daddy can't believe you are two already. Time does fly by with you around. This last year has marked so many firsts for you... proficient walking, followed very quickly by running, haircuts, lots of words, followed quickly by phrases.
Your personality continues to develop and we are beginning to see the person you will become. The first trait I think of is your determination and will. You have a staggering focus and drive to achieve when you set your mind on something, whether it's a new toy, playground, puzzle, or when we say no to something. Your teachers at school have all commented on this, saying that you will stick with a task until you get it, when other children would move onto something else.
Your next attribute that comes to mind is your incredible hulk-ish strength. You are terrifyingly strong for a toddler, and you can climb almost anything. This coupled with a complete lack of awareness of danger, has lead to a few close calls and endless skinned knees. You are the record holder for "Ouch reports" at school.
But, you are a lover too! Currently, you are very attached to Mommy. And I would be lying if I didn't say I love it. I am the ecstatic recipient of endless hugs, kisses, and cuddles. I know that this will end long before I want it to, so I'm treasuring each and every one.
But most of all kiddo... you are FUN! You are always smiling, laughing, and playful. You can turn anyone's day around in a second. You are the light of our life!